2nd Programming Course for Kids

In cooperation with Startit we organized a second programming course for kids. Here is the video where Ranko Trifković, the teacher, talks about how much interest for programming kids from urban and rural surroundings are showing.

3rd photo camp ‘Through the Lens’

Our 3rd photo camp ‘Through the Lens’ finished successfully and participants left full of inspiration. We made a short retrospective with our project leader Ivan Brkljač and Luca Marziale, landscape photographer who was one of the teachers this year as well! Big thanks to Milo Zanecchia, Robin Gilli and Jon Harris.

Picnic & Movie Night

Cozy atmosphere, romantic lights, relaxing music, delicious cocktails… Ideal night at Mokrin House.

Working Remotely – The Future of Work

How do you imagine your ideal job? Are you tired of 9-to-5 working style, same routine repeating every day? What if you could be your own boss, organize your own schedule, forget about the stress present in your office and choose the venue you could stay and work at? Benefits are present on both sides: […]


Internet is connecting the world, changing the way we live, work and communicate. But what does this mean for a regular people. TEDxMokrin will discover ideas depicting how life has changed in the villages as a result of globalisation and how globalisation is making the world one big village. In TEDxMokrin, we will discover local […]

Nordeus at Mokrin House

Other than working, we’re also getting closer to each other, getting to know each other better and basically having fun. Last week people from Nordeus, an independent mobile games developing company from Belgrade, gave us a visit. This is how they organized their time spent at Mokrin House. 

Remote Year at Mokrin House – Katie Strong

Katie Strong, a compliance officer for a health-related software company, is also a participant of Remote Year program. She stayed at Mokrin House for a few days, working and relaxing alongside her colleagues. In this video she explained what exactly Remote Year program is, what got her to join it, and a lot more interesting stuff, so […]

The Perfect Match: Coworking Spaces and Digital Nomads

Article by Arron Hiddleston The life of a digital nomad is attractive to many young people, but it can also be exhausting. Living on the move, lack of a firm professional community and constant struggle to get a reliable Wi-Fi and respectable coffee. Still, there is a flickering light on the horizon. Coworking spaces offer […]

Resident of the week

    If you need to get things done and want to have a really high end experience without the high end budget, Mokrin House is kinda perfect. Cedric Dahl is a an investor from California that spends his days in deep thinking mode deconstructing  the future business developments. But apart from being a really smart […]

Pozitivna izolovanost

Dokazano je da izdvajanje iz redovne radne sredine pozitivno utiče i na produktivnost kao i na kreativnost profesionalaca. Upravo zato mnoge progresivne kompanije pribegavaju čestim “team-builidng” aktivnostima ili radu na specifičnim projektima van svojih kancelarija. Ukoliko i Vi razmišljate na sličan način imate sreće što se u Srbiji nalazi jedan od najboljih “coworking & coliving” […]

Free Zone Movie Festival in Mokrin

In collaboration with Free Zone Movie Festival, Mokrin House will be one of the hosts of the 11th Free Zone tour in Serbia. The mission of the Free Zone Festival Tour is decentralisation of culture and provision of cultural content to towns and cities in which the cinemas no longer operate. This is where we […]

3rd photo camp in Mokrin – “Through the lens”

Photography is combination of skill, art, technique, timing and context. Knowing how to match all of the factors creates a good photographer and a great photograph. If you would like to learn how to combine these factors its best to learn from the people who have dedicated their lives and careers to finding a perfect […]

Lets chat

Traveling and moving can sometimes be stressful, and we understand that. That is why we recommend that you have a Skype chat with our project leader and coordinator if you are at all interested or considering living and working in Mokrin House. Ivan will explain how everything around here works and answer any questions you guys might have. The chat is just so that you can get to know us a bit better and doesn’t commit you to anything.