
In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern employment, hybrid work and remote work have emerged as significant models, each with its unique set of advantages

In recent years, co-working spaces have transformed from niche havens for freelancers to mainstream hubs for professionals of all kinds. This shift reflects broader changes

In today’s interconnected world, the digital nomad lifestyle is more achievable than ever. With advancements in technology and the rise of remote work, professionals from

corporate retreat

Corporate retreats have become more than just a getaway for employees; they are now recognized as valuable investments in team bonding and organizational success. In

In the realm of interior design, there exists a profound symphony that extends far beyond the surface-level aesthetics of spaces. It’s a symphony that resonates

mokrin house from air

Modern architecture is more than just buildings; it’s a narrative woven into the fabric of our lives. Each structure tells a story, not just through

The evolution of technology has ushered in an era where homes are no longer just bricks and mortar but hubs of innovation and connectivity. Smart

modern office

Having happy employees who enjoy their work environment not only makes work a lot easier, it also often leads to a boost in productivity. Ensuring

Trenutno živimo u svetu u kome je sve teže i teže usporiti i uspostaviti duboku vezu sa drugima. Da li ste željni dubokih razgovora oko

Things in the world are super confusing at the moment, there is a lot of uncertainty but also it feels like some aspects of “normal”

Whether you’re an online business owner, an employee or a third party, the importance of implementing safe practices online cannot be understated. Losing control over

As a business owner, ensuring your company enjoys a notable online presence and has developed somewhat of a reputation among the member of your audience




Lets chat

Traveling and moving can sometimes be stressful, and we understand that. That is why we recommend that you have a Skype chat with our project leader and coordinator if you are at all interested or considering living and working in Mokrin House. Ivan will explain how everything around here works and answer any questions you guys might have. The chat is just so that you can get to know us a bit better and doesn’t commit you to anything.